Peace & Quiet Nature Hotel

Northern Lights

The arctic mountains that dominate the landscape and ecosystem in Jokkmokk togheter with the gulf stream also drive the weather systems. It gives inland climate with cold snowy winter and dry hot summers. The Sámi has eight seasons all worth a visit. And the arctic light always changes through the seasons. But what we can promise you is that if you want to see northern lights our place is the best in Europe to maximize your chances. 95% will see it within a 3 night stay and 99% will see it during a 7 nights stay.

This is our favorite season, the sun has returned to the arctic and feelings enlightens the souls. The days gets warmer and the migratory birds starts to show up again. The mountain Sámi communities starts there preparations for the migration to the summer grazing lands close to the Norwegian border. Still the nights is usualy cold and clear. Still we can experience heavy snowfalls and winter storms. In the old forests you can hear the mating calls of the capercaillie and if you approach slowly you can see there mating dance a spectacular consert. Nordic skiers comes to the area but you have to be prepared for fast weather changes.

Even if its April we still see the northern lights.

Everything comes back to life. In mid-May, the cows give birth to their calves. The Sámi year begins. The brown bear has woken up and are hungry for reindeers. Some places in the mountains are already without snow. When the snowpack gets really wet you can only move during night on the crust. During a few weeks it can be impossible to travel on the snow, you have to stay where you are.

Now everything melts and tons and tons of snow should reach the rivers and the ocean. Wetlands are really wet and the spring flood can make transportation difficult. This is also the bird season were insects wake up and are eaten by the birds.A wonderful time for rafting,packrafting and canoeing to get closer to the wildlife.

Freedom feelings and fun has no end. The night will not return the next two month, it's eternal day and people have energy 24/7. The sun give life to the human souls, to plants that grows big and to the animals that can grow fat again after loosing every energy reserve during winter.Reindeer herding communities migrates to the summer land and calf-marking work begins during some intense summer week. The heat drives the reindeers up on the mountains where they cool down on snowy deposits.

Summer is over and the stars are coming back to life. The harvesting time is here for animals and humans. To grow fat deposits to survive winter or for gathering food. Berries, plants and herbs are foraged, fish is frozen down for the coming month and wild game are hunted.

This is our favorite season for hiking. Seeing the northern lights has its highest possibilities during this time.

12 of August is the start of the northern lights season.

Autumn storms and night frosts cools down the ground. Humans and animals prepare for winter. The first weeks of September is the reindeer slaughter season before the bulls start mating. Elk hunting is almost as popular as the Olympic games, almost all families want to fill the frezzers before winter. Visiting birds from Africa starts to think its to cold and moves south. Some animals changes there camouflage to more white.The stars starts to light up and we accept that the autumn is here.

Darkness and no light pollution makes it an amazing time for seeing the northern lights. We have the best place in Europe for seeing the Aurora Borealis. During a 3 night stay most of our guest will see it.

This is a happy and active season, the first snow comes and it lights up the previously dark ground, it is easier to see at night. The mountain Sámi communities starts to form winter groups with the reindeers and moves them down to around Jokkmokk.Its tracking time, animals leave clear signs in the snow and some animals goes to sleep for the winter. The first winter storms hits the high mountains. The sun is wanishing and its just a few ours of sunlight but it makes the most picturesque golden hours.

The winter are the coldest period with normal temperatures between - 10 to -20 degrees celsius. But it can drop down to -40 some days a year. This is the most cozy season where you can go out in the darkness and still see enough to ski over lakes and mires under the glowing moon and twinkling starts. Here you really understands why its called “the Milky way”. This is astrophotography season.When you come home you relax in front of a fire and suddenly you feel home and safe even if you are out in the middle of nature.

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